Mettrion SERIE 500
Air Quality Monitoring

Thanks to our algorithm that we incorporate to see the rate of probability of contagion, we guarantee compliance with the RITE regulations for the prevention of occupational risks.

The importance of air quality for public health has been demonstrated by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The most common pathogens are transmitted by air.
Indoor environments encourage the transmission of airborne diseases.
That is an unquestionable scientific fact.

To combat the spread of airborne diseases, we have created the I-ON range of air quality sensors. Specifically designed in the wake of the pandemic to measure indoor air quality.
Customizing our products is easy as they are developed and manufactured entirely at our headquarters in Spain.
Smart Sensors
Our products include different specially developed sensors that measure environmental variables in real time, such as carbon dioxide levels, temperature, humidity, suspended particles, and air pollution. In addition, the sensors measure UV-C radiation levels.
Through an algorithm that measures the information from the sensors at all times, the irradiation process is adjusted. In this way, the effectiveness of the disinfection process is guaranteed. In the equipment of other manufacturers the result of the process is unknown.
Likewise, I-ON, even in the event of a remote deviation from the standards that would prevent the disinfection cycle from being carried out correctly, activates an alarm message to the user that provides advanced predictive maintenance before a failure occurs.


Real-time traceability
I-ON is the solution that has solved one of the biggest problems related to the disinfection process.
Hospitals, offices, factories, educational centers, residences for the elderly, restaurants, shopping centers, areas for events, theaters, cinemas, sports centers, among other spaces.
The question is always the same:
Is the place really disinfected?
Confirming that the disinfection process has been carried out correctly is as important as doing it. There is no point in purchasing disinfection equipment if its results are unknown. I-ON’s real-time traceability is unique. Data from the disinfection process is automatically transmitted to a cloud server to provide process traceability.
The display version incorporates an attractive 4” display screen that displays easy-to-read color gauges and graphs.
Air figures are displayed sequentially and in groups.
Blind Sensor
The blind version is very similar to the display unit, but does not include the screen.
It is ideal for shopping malls, offices, etc. where centralized remote monitoring in real time is desired, without the data being publicly available.
Information Kiosk
The kiosk module provides full wireless connectivity as a client to the cloud server. It serves both real-time information and historical queries and statistics.
Video output is standard HDMI, and can support any size monitor or TV.